Friday, July 21, 2023

My home is condemned


GoFundMe Page

Evicted. Now what?

Those words whirled around in my mind like a tornado on our way home from the health department. We lost. The battle to save our home is over.

They deemed it unsafe and unsanitary. I admit that I let it go bad. It crept upon me so slow I never even noticed it. It's like cancer. It festers within your body until suddenly it's up in your face and changes your life. Forever.

The date is 7/13/23. My name is Adele Michaels I will always remember it as the date that my current world began to come apart like a rubber band ball being dropped from a great height. My ball is about out of bands. My bounces are not very high any more, no matter what height I’m dropped from. Now it’s time to pick them up and move on to the next adventure.

That adventure is moving. My mission is simple. Find a new place to live. However, there is nothing within my price range. On average the places are 900 a month. I only get 945 a month on SSI. My mom would have to pick up the slack. And she was laid off. There’s not many places available in Warren Ohio. I would love to find a house but at this point. Anything will do, be it a tiny trailer or what.

Speaking of trailers, one will be available in two weeks for 2000 down. So I am lowering the goal to 3000. 1000 should be more than enough to move. If we can get it. I’ll be happy with 2000 more. Every donation will help. Could you spare your morning coffee to help a poor family out? Please #savexade's family. You can also donate by PayPal

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blog created

Well, I did it I made a blog but I gotta use an iframe eh, no biggie